Wednesday September 30th @ 6:30 PM est
Archiving Abolition with Audio Interference + Survived & Punished NY
Together, Survived and Punished NY and Audio Interference present Archiving Abolition. Join us on Wednesday September 30 @ 6:30pm for our listening party to celebrate the launch of Archiving Abolition, a podcast series collaboration from our two organizations as well as issue #4 of Free : Survivors, S&P NY’s inside-outside newsletter.
Throughout Archiving Abolition, you’ll hear interviews and spoken word from Survived & Punished comrades on the inside, their loved ones, and supporters advocating for their freedom and the abolition of the prison industrial complex. Come to Archiving Abolition to hear excerpts from the series and roundtable conversations about the importance of archival work, the conditions comrades face on the inside, current S&P campaigns, and how to get involved.